Aicha - Jean-Jacques Goldman Free Piano Sheet Music

Jean-Jacques Goldman - Aicha piano sheet music

Aicha description

"Aïcha" is the name of a Algerian song written by the French singer songwriter Jean-Jacques Goldman. The title refers to an Arabic female name. The song was originally performed by Algerian raï artist Khaled. The original French single was never released in an album, though Khaled's 1996 album Sahra featured a bilingual version of the song sung in both French and Arabic. The Arabic lyrics for the bilingual version of the song are written by Khaled. Show Aicha piano sheet

Jean-Jacques Goldman description

Jean-Jacques Goldman is a Grammy Award-winning French singer-songwriter. He is hugely popular in the French-speaking world, and since 2003 has been the second-highest-grossing French living pop-rock singer, after Johnny Hallyday. In the 1990s, he was part of the trio Fredericks Goldman Jones with a string of hits. More piano sheets by Jean-Jacques Goldman

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