I Feel Immortal - Tarja Turunen Free Piano Sheet Music

Tarja Turunen - I Feel Immortal piano sheet music

I Feel Immortal description

"I Feel Immortal" is a song by Finnish singer-songwriter Tarja. It was written by Tarja, Toby Gad, Kerli Kõiv, and Lindy Robbins, and was produced by Tarja and "Mic". It was released as the second single from her second album What Lies Beneath on August 27, 2010. The music video was filmed in Iceland and features Tarja interacting with a character who gets older throughout the video. Show I Feel Immortal piano sheet

Tarja Turunen description

Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen Cabuli, sometimes referred to as Tarja Turunen or simply Tarja, is a Finnish singer-songwriter and composer. She is a full lyric soprano and has a vocal range of three octaves.
Turunen studied singing at Sibelius Academy and Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe. She is well known as a professional classical lied singer but best known as the former lead vocalist of the Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish, which she founded with Tuomas Holopainen and Erno Vuorinen in 1996. Their combination of hard and fast guitar riffs with Turunen's classical lead vocals quickly achieved critical and commercial popularity. Their symphonic metal style, soon dubbed "opera metal", inspired many other metal bands and singers.
Turunen was dismissed from the band on October 21, 2005 for personal reasons. She started her s... More piano sheets by Tarja Turunen

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How To Read Sheet Music
Learning how to read sheet music is essential for anyone who wants to learn to play an instrument. Learning the different clefs is the first step that will help you to read and understand piano sheet music. The treble clef is the first one, the top clef. The notes of the treble clef are the notes of the upper 44 keys on the piano. On the treble clef, the line notes are E, ...Continue reading How To Read Sheet Music


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