Miracles - Kenny G Free Piano Sheet Music

Kenny G - Miracles piano sheet music

Miracles description

"Miracles" is a song by saxophonist Kenny G from the album "Miracles: The Holiday Album". It was released by Arista Records in 1994, and peaked at number 1 on the Billboard 200, Contemporary Jazz Albums and R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts. It was the overall best-selling Christmas/holiday album in the United States for both 1994 and 1996. Show Miracles piano sheet

Kenny G description

Kenneth Bruce Gorelick, better known by his stage name Kenny G, is an American adult contemporary and smooth jazz saxophonist. His fourth album, Duotones, brought him breakthrough success in 1986. Kenny G is the biggest-selling instrumental musician of the modern era, with global sales totaling more than 75 million records. More piano sheets by Kenny G

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Learn To Play Piano with Free Sheet Music
One of the most popular and perfect instrument for beginners is the piano. Using the piano makes it easier to understand the music concepts. Thanks of how the musical octave is positioned you will find it easy to identify the low notes and the high notes on the piano keyboard. From left to right the notes on the piano are arranged from the lowest key no...Continue reading Learn To Play Piano with Free Sheet Music


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