Zak and Sara - Ben Folds Free Piano Sheet Music

Ben Folds - Zak and Sara piano sheet music

Zak and Sara description

Zak and Sara is a song from the album Rockin’ the Suburbs by singer/songwriter Ben Folds. "Zak and Sara" has been used in Asian Kung-Fu Generation's Nano-Mugen Compilation 2009. Show Zak and Sara piano sheet

Ben Folds description

Benjamin Scott "Ben" Folds is an American singer-songwriter and record producer. From 1995 to 2000, Folds was the frontman and pianist of the alternative rock band Ben Folds Five. After the group temporarily disbanded, Folds performed as a solo artist and has toured all over the world. The group reunited in 2011. He has also collaborated with musicians such as William Shatner, Regina Spektor and "Weird Al" Yankovic and undertaken experimental songwriting projects with authors such as Nick Hornby and Neil Gaiman. In addition to contributing music to the soundtracks of the animated films Over the Hedge, and Hoodwinked!, Folds produced Amanda Palmer's first solo album and has been a judge on the NBC a cappella singing contest The Sing-Off since 2009. More piano sheets by Ben Folds

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